11 x 22 Clementine Beads Canvas Pillow

11 x 22 Clementine Beads Canvas Pillow


Our pillows are hand finished in NY from fabric printed at a wonderful New England printing factory that does things the old fashioned way, by hand. Ink is created with custom colors we have chosen to coordinate with other "friends" in the collection and are then hand screened on Belgium cotton/ linen. The longer you have it, the softer it gets. This 11 x 22 size is perfect in a chair for lower back support, on the top of the bed as a fun accessory or in front of larger cushions on a sofa. Whatever you like! The patterns are easily mixed and matched. The Clementine Beads is one of our favorites whether you do a pair of the same on a sofa or mix in some Orange Mum pillows or other colors in the beads, the room will be lots of fun! l

Shipped with stuffer (95% feather, 5% duck down) A poly-filled stuffer may be substituted. If you prefer no stuffer use code NOSTUFF to get 10% off for just the cover. 

*Note: if a pillow is sold out, please email sales@hableconstruction.com for lead-time updates. 

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